Our History

The historic First African Baptist Church, which stands today on the corner of Clifton and Laurel Avenue in Darby Township, was birthed into existence as a result of a vision of two committed saints, Sister Louisa Spain and Sister Eliza Taylor. The two met and formulated plans to establish a Township Mission in 1902. The first service was held in the kitchen of Sister Spain’s home. Along with nine other souls, they organized a Baptist Fellowship, and in 1903 they moved into the first building at Hermesprota Creek, where the Reverend J. B. Brandon served as the first Pastor. In July of 1904, the church was given the name First African Baptist Church.

The dream continued, and in 1909, Reverend C.T. Wilcher was the leading spirit, and under his Pastorate, First African Baptist Church was incorporated as required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Its stated purpose was to provide for the public worship of Almighty God according to Baptist doctrine and the principles as set forth by God’s Holy Word.

After a few years of being without a Pastor, the church called Reverend Booker W. Watkins to be the under-shepherd. He began his tenure in April 1936, and he served faithfully and tirelessly for forty years. During this period, the church grew and continued to be a spiritual refuge in the community. The mortgage was burned, and a parsonage was constructed. As a testament to the growing congregation, many organizations were formed. Included were the Willing Workers, the Nurses Unit, the Rose of Sharon Missionary Circle, the Heart in Hand, the Flower Club, the Hospitality Club, the Senior Ushers, the Pastor’s Aide, the Choir #2, the Young Adult Choir, the Junior Choir, the Church School and Vacation Bible School. In 1971, a new edifice was built. Pastor Watkins and the congregation worshiped for the first time in the new church on April 25, 1971. After years of loving and committed service, Pastor Watkins went home to be with the Lord March 1976.

After the death of Reverend Watkins, Reverend Charles Cunningham served as the Interim Pastor. Reverend Jerry William Dailey assumed the pastorate in October 1977. During this time, many innovative changes were implemented. Members were led to begin tithing. A Federal Credit Union was established. The B.W Watkins Memorial Scholarship Fund for high school graduates was initiated, and the transportation ministry began. Reverend Dailey was called to another pastorate in 1982. Reverend Fredrick Randolph served as the Interim Pastor from 1982 – 1985.

In 1985, Reverend Dr. Richard A. Dent was called to lead the church. Following the vision given to him, Reverend Dent was able to bring about a spiritual and physical renaissance. Church membership and attendance increased dramatically, church facilities were renovated, and the mortgage was burned. The ordination of Deacons and our first female minister, the Reverend Margaret Quarcoo, took place, and additional Trustees were appointed. A fullservice transportation ministry was implemented consisting of three vans, one of which is equipped to service the physically challenged and a forty-passenger bus. In obedience to the mandates of the Lord, Pastor Dent began to change the clubs and auxiliaries into ministries. This transformation enabled the church to reach into the community and provide much-needed services. Out of these efforts, the Neighbor-to-Neighbor Community Development Corporation came into existence. The services provided at that time were the Emergency Food Cupboard, After-School Tutoring, the After-School Care Program, and Camp Joy Summer Day Camp.

The renewal of God’s people continued through the formation of additional active ministries, both in reach and outreach. Some of which were the Men’s Ministry, the Women’s Ministry, the Prison Ministry, the Chosen 300 Ministry (help for the homeless), the Caring Ministry, visitation to the Juvenile Detention Center and to a Women’s Shelter and several youth programs to minister to our large number of young people.

Continuing with the vision, the Nehemiah Project was launched for the building of a new edifice to accommodate the continued growth of the Lord’s house. On the tenth day of January 2004, Pastor Dent and the officers joyfully led the congregation into its new sanctuary, where we continue to worship and praise a living Savior.

In 2017, we received an amazingly generous, anonymous financial blessing, which allowed us to pay off the church’s mortgage. To celebrate and praise God for His goodness, we ceremonially burned the mortgage during our 114th Church Anniversary Service with joyful and thankful hearts!

In 2018, the Transportation Ministry retired the three church vans and replaced all three (one van dedicated to serving the physically disabled). After several years of serving the congregation, our Credit Union evolved into the Ministry Office, where they manage the finances of the church’s ministries. Also, we were blessed to obtain full ownership of the Word of Life Bookstore. On November 17, 2019, the congregation had a ribbon-cutting ceremony dedicating and naming one of the classrooms as the Reverend Dr. Richard A. and Sister Beatrice C. Dent Library.

On December 31, 2019, Reverend Dr. Richard A. Dent retired, after 34 faithful years of leadership at First African, and the membership bestowed upon him, the honorary title of Pastor Emeritus.

In January 2020, Reverend Beverly S. Hudson was appointed as the Interim Pastor, and she served faithfully during the Coronavirus (COVID) Pandemic, leading the congregation safely and maintained virtual worship, resulting in no lives lost due to the deadly virus. Praise God!

On March 16th of 2022, we are thankful to God that after an extensive search by our Pastoral Search Committee, the Lord saw fit to send us our current pastor, Dr. Eric D. Jackson, Sr., and First Lady, Rev. Evette L. Jackson, affectionately called, "Rev. Evette."

Since his arrival, Dr. Jackson has proven to be the “breath of fresh air” that First African has longed for – especially after the COVID years. We’ve already began to experience a resurgence, as well as a revived worship. Dr. Jackson’s vision to grow God’s people is being manifested in his Bible Study class and the return of Sunday School. He continues to educate, empower and encourage us – believing “eyes have not seen” what God has in store for us.

In the midst of social turbulence across the Nation, Dr. Jackson has a burden to bring a change and stimulate diversity and equity in the community; consequently, he has already begun conversations with the local high school and the school board, as well as other pastors and community leaders throughout the township and the City of Philadelphia. Indeed, Pastor Jackson is making an impact in our church and Township and leading us to be a 21st Century Church – "to serve this present age."

In his first 2 years, Pastor Jackson has served and provided compassionate pastoral care to numerous bereaved families since his arrival; consequently, he plans to establish the Care Ministry. Additionally, his vision includes the Shepherd’s Care Ministry, "Golden Days" for Seniors (to stimulate mental exercise and prevent early onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia), the Director/Ministry of First Impressions, and most importantly, the rebirth of the Youth and Children’s ministries and activities. Seeing a need for spiritual and biblical astuteness among the Deacons and Associate Ministers, in March of 2023, Pastor Jackson began training classes for each ministry. Under his leadership, we also upgraded our projectors, and eventually, we’ll install a hearing assistance system for our hearing-impaired worshipers.

We give thanks and praises to God, and we pray mightily that He will continue to bless our efforts of “equipping Saints to win souls to Christ.” We also pray that the Lord will bless us as we "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus." Indeed, we are Believing God for More in 2024.

Pastors of First African Baptist Church

  • 1903 – 1904 Reverend J.B. Burton
  • 1904 – 1909 Reverend Richard Raine
  • 1909 – 1918 Reverend C.T. Wilcher
  • 1909 – 1909 Reverend McAllen
  • 1909 - 1909 Reverend W.E. Scott
  • 1918 – 1936 Reverend J. Lincoln Lewis
  • 1936 – 1977 Reverend Booker W. Watkins
  • 1976 – 1977 Reverend Charles Cunningham, Acting Pastor
  • 1977 – 1982 Reverend Jerry William Dailey
  • 1982 – 1985 Reverend Frederick Randolph, Interim Pastor
  • 1985 –2019 Reverend Dr. Richard A. Dent
  • 2020 – 2022 Reverend Beverly S. Hudson, Interim Pastor
  • 2022 - 2025 Reverend Dr. Eric D. Jackson, Sr.

Previous Associate Ministers

  • Reverend Jerome Burton
  • Reverend Robert Cunningham
  • Reverend Rodney King
  • Reverend Herb H. Lusk
  • Reverend Edward Richardson
  • Reverend Allen Roberts
  • Reverend Reginald Stevens
  • Reverend Henry Ausbury
  • Reverend Ralph Benjamin
  • Reverend Tariq Craig
  • Reverend Tracie Gatewood
  • Reverend Anthony Hanna
  • Reverend Tommie Hightower
  • Minister Dennis M. Holloman
  • Reverend Gregory Horton
  • Reverend Jack Johnson
  • Minister Wendell Jones
  • Reverend Margaret Quarcoo
  • Reverend Alexander Thompson
  • Reverend George Thompson
  • Reverend Sharon D. White
  • Reverend Gary Williams
  • Reverend Horace Kinlaw
  • Reverend Dr. Melvin McAllister
  • Reverend Kenneth Wilson
  • Reverend Evette Jackson
  • Reverend Adele Jones
  • Reverend Dr. Stephen Jones

Current Associate Ministers

  • Minister Joseph Barton III
  • Reverend Beverly Hudson

The Vision Continues with the Many Ministries at First African

  • Joint Officiary
  • Deacons Ministry
  • Trustees Ministry
  • Administrative Staff
  • Church Secretary
  • Church Clerks
  • Office Manager
  • Christian Education
  • Church School and Children’s Church
  • Family Bible Study
  • Young Adult Bible Study
  • New Member Discipleship
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Music Ministries
  • Angelic Choir
  • Men’s Choir
  • Sanctuary Choir
  • Voices of Joy
  • Youth Choir
  • Youth Ministries
  • B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. Mentoring (Brothers Realizing Our True Heritage Relationship and Spirituality)
  • C.H.E.R.I.S.H. Teen Girls Book Club (Christians Holding Every Reading in Sacred Hope)
  • G.U.E.S.S. Mentoring (Girls Understanding Education and Success in Society)
  • Nursery Ministry
  • Youth Council Ministry
  • Youth Workers Ministry
  • Praise Ministries
  • J.U.M.P. (Just Using My Praise) Mime Ministry
  • Praise & Worship Teams – Adult, & Youth & Young Adult
  • Wings of Praise Adult Dance Ministry
  • Word to Life Drama Ministry
  • Youth Praise Dancers -- Little & Total Praise Dancers
  • Ministries of Service
  • Audio, Video & Tape Ministry
  • Beautification Ministry
  • B.W. Watkins Memorial Scholarship Ministry
  • Ministry Office (formerly the Credit Union)
  • Deaconess Ministry
  • Emergency Food Cupboard (Heart & Hand)
  • Flower Guild Ministry
  • Healthcare Ministry
  • Healthy Eating Ministry
  • Hospitality Ministry
  • Library Ministry
  • Marriage Enrichment Ministry
  • Men's Ministry
  • P.H.I.T. (Physically Healthy & Inspired Temples)
  • Rose of Sharon Missionary Ministry
  • Security & Parking Ministry
  • S.W.A.G. Young Adult Ministry
  • (Soldiers Walking According to God)
  • Transportation Ministry
  • Ushers Ministry (Senior, Junior & Youth)
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Word of Life Bookstore
  • Outreach Ministries
  • Thanksgiving Caring and Sharing
  • Chosen 300 Ministry
  • Comfort Care Support Ministry
  • Bereavement Ministry
  • Women of Faith Support Ministry